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Attachment generally occurs when the security interest is effective between the creditor and the debtor, and that usually happens when their agreement provides that it take place. Perfection occurs when the creditor establishes his or her "priority" in relation to other creditors of the debtor in the same collateral. The creditor with "priority" may use the collateral to satisfy the debtor’s obligation when the debtor defaults before other creditors subsequent in priority may do so. Perfection occurs usually when a "financing statement" is filed in the appropriate public record. Generally, the first to file has the first priority, and so on.

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The procedures for non-judicial foreclosures are not governed by the Uniform Commercial Code, but in state statues, and the contract.

The Trustee's Sale is not governed by the UCC through the Note, but is a sale pursuant to the Deed of Trust. Trustee sales under a Deed of Trust are conducted on a contract theory under the power of sale authority of the trustee. These Deed of Trust statutes set forth the only procedure for a valid trustee's sale.

 MERS members use the deed of trust because they know they don't need the Note. Can you begin to understand why the MERS system was created? The eNote MERS members attempted to attach and perfect with a deed of trust is logically, and lawfully impossible. Deed of Deceit

If you are electronically signing a contract, that is governed by E-SIGN, but how do you electronically sign an Article 3 Note, when E-SIGN excludes Article 3? How is an Article 3 Note transferred through E-SIGN, when E-SIGN excludes Article 3? Can you begin to understand why the deed of trust is so important to MERS members? To hell with the Note, We've got an eNote that sows a copy of the deed of trust, what a deception.

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Different sections of Article 3 can kill the MERS members if it were understood. And it will be. I have faith in you understanding.

Mechanics of "Holder"

Take a tour of two Notes

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Read, Learn, Understand